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A mural of a turtle and an octopus
boy in school

Welcome to Moses Y. Beach Elementary School

Moses Y. Beach is a primary grade elementary school serving approximately 340 children, preschool through second grade.

Located in the heart of historic Wallingford, our tiny campus has a rich history inspired by its namesake, Moses Yale Beach, a Wallingford native. Mr. Beach was born in Wallingford in 1800. When he was an adult, he moved to Massachusetts to be a cabinet maker and inventor. Later, he moved to New York. While there he became the owner and editor of the New York Sun, a newspaper. Moses Y. Beach retired and moved back to Wallingford in 1857. He gave the land where Moses Y. Beach School is located. The Wachovia Bank building in the center of town was modeled after Moses Y. Beach's mansion that used to stand in its location.

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