Robert Arciero
Mr. Arciero has been the proud principal of Moses Y. Beach Elementary School since 2009, making him the longest-serving principal in MYB’s history.
Mr. Arciero has a background in psychology with a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education and a 6th-Year Degree in Educational Leadership and Supervision. A graduate fellow of UCONN’s Neag School of Education PK-3 Leadership program, he has been an advocate for early childhood education throughout his career.
Mr. Arciero began his educational journey in Waterbury as a third-grade teacher and pursued growth opportunities as a Teaching Vice Principal and Summer School Coordinator. Prior to coming to Wallingford, Mr. Arciero was the Assistant Principal at Florence E. Smith STEM Magnet School with the West Hartford Public Schools.
Mr. Arciero is a member of the CT Association of Schools, The National Association for the Education of Young Children, and The National Association of Elementary School Principals. In 2017, Mr. Arciero was recognized as Wallingford’s Administrator of the Year.
Mr. Arciero works alongside his talented faculty to inspire a vision of early childhood education for the MYB learning community through engaging experiences that lead young children to learn, grow and be their personal best.