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Social Emotional Resources

Second Step® Programs Support Families

As parents and caregivers, you are your child’s first and most important teachers, and play a vital role in their social, emotional, and academic development. Your child’s classroom teachers are here to support you in this, and the Second Step family of programs is one of the tools they’re using.

Second Step programs combine discussions with fun activities and family resources. The programs help children learn social-emotional skills such as responsible decision-making, working together to solve problems, managing strong emotions, and getting along with others. These skills can help children succeed academically and socially.

The resources provide information about social-emotional learning and the different skills addressed in the CASEL competencies. We’re proud to partner with Second Step to offer a research-based, classroom-tested curricula that help make schools safe, supportive learning environments. Ask your child's teacher for more information and keep an eye out for the HomeLink Connections that follow classroom lessons.

Please click HERE to visit our District Family Resource Page